led flashing frisbee, FL-001, Plasstic Toy, Toys

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led flashing frisbee

led flashing frisbee

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led frisbee, flashing frisbee,flying disc



led flying saucer , led frisbee, flashing frisbee

Detailed Description


size: 25cm Dia

material: PP

If you love Frisbee golf but hate to stop playing as the Sun goes down, then the Night-Flyer can be just what you need to finish the back nine and put on a light show at the same time.

The Night Flyer comes with a dual fiber optic string of multi colored LEDs which give off an other worldly glow as the Flyer is flung into the air. The Red and blue lights also flash and phase into each other. Discs are discs are competition size and weight, waterproof and can float should it end up in water, and are powered by two CR2032 batteries for up to 30 hours of nighttime use. This also makes for low power should you be playing catch with your and don’t want him to have a shocking experience.

The discs also come with two adjustable wrap-around LED headbands. The headbands can either be red or blue for players who want to play Ultimate and know who they’re throwing to.

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